Lippa Quarry Proposal
An application for rezoning a 54.8 hectare parcel of land at 1089 Butler Mill Road (approximately 1.7 km north of Skeleton Lake) for a Class A, category 1 gravel pit and category 2 quarry with extraction capacity of 20,000 tonnes per year was made by Mr. Lippa to the Township of Muskoka Lakes in 2017. The application was unanimously rejected by the Township. Mr. Lippa has appealed this decision to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB).
A pre-hearing was held on February 21/2018 at the Township of Muskoka Lakes offices in Port Carling to determine the issues, parties and participants prior to the OMB hearing. The hearing will be scheduled in early 2019. The LRNA has registered as a participant to the OMB hearing.
Opposition to the Lippa Pit and Quarry has been led by the Skeleton Lake Cottagers Association, concerned with the significant negative impacts such an operation would have on wildlife, pollution, water quality, noise, traffic and safety, health, etc. The Skeleton Lake Association has engaged lawyers and various experts to assist them in mounting an informed opposition.
The LRNA has voiced its concerns about the impacts of such an operation and has provided financial assistance to its Skeleton Lake colleagues. We encourage LRNA members individually to lend their support to oppose this pit and quarry operation.
Further information is available at
Short Term Cottage Rental
Seguin Township has recently undertaken a study of potential ways to research regulatory options with regard to short term cottage rentals. Public input was solicited by February 19, 2018 to ensure the Township had an understanding of the public’s interest in regulating this issue and were aware of potential solutions to related problems.
The LRNA chose not to submit comments on behalf of its members given the diversity of opinion on this issue. Members were encouraged to make their own submissions to the Township.
A Report to Council is expected in March 2018 and a Public Meeting will be scheduled in April 2018.
Waterfront Development Guidelines
In 2017, in an effort to ensure landowners better understand and protect the natural environment of the sensitive waterfronts in the Township’s catchment area, Seguin Township undertook the development of Waterfront Design Guidelines. These guidelines will be used to aid in the development of new shoreline area lots created by consent of Council and where conditional zoning is required for major reviews of shoreline property.
Public input on the draft guidelines was solicited during November 2017 to April 2018. For the most part, public reaction to the draft guidelines was positive. As a result, on April 3, 2018, Township staff recommended that Council approve the Guidelines as outlined in “A Handbook for Sustainable Waterfront Development Balancing the Environment and Recreation” and direct staff to proceed with implementation.
Additional information regarding Waterfront Development Guidelines can be accessed via
Save Muskoka Initiative (opposing changes to District of Muskoka Official Plan)
The District of Muskoka, as part of a mandated 5 year Official Plan review/revision, proposed in Section D6.4 a mix of commercial and resort-related residential units on resort properties. This proposed change generated a flood of concern among cottage associations and owners that developers would be able to build and sell residences under the guise of a commercial resort. The LRNA was among many others who expressed written opposition to Official Plan amendments that would allow development of any property or resort at increased densities than current standards allow. Negative impacts on the overall environment including fish and waterfall habitat, water quality, noise, boat traffic were cited as rationale for our opposition.
The overwhelming opposition was noted at a public meeting held November 23, 2017 by the District Chair and Councillors. Revisions are expected by March 2018 when a third and final draft of the Official Plan will be tabled.